Combat the midyear “mehh” of officers

Combat the midyear “mehh” of officers

Does this sound familiar? Your officers came up with AMAZING activities at your Summer Officer Retreat! They were excited. They were motivated. They were organized.

And now you’re rounding the mid-year mark of the school year and your officers are missing deadlines, dropping the ball and are falling apart at the seams!

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Paying for the POA

Paying for the POA

So your students have come up with some great activities at your officer retreat! They spent the whole first semester making a great plan for the activities. They have met in their committees, made a supply list, and created a budget.

But this year’s fundraising did not go well! You can’t afford to do these activities but know it’s going to CRUSH your students if you tell them all their planning and innovative ideas were for nothing!

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From chirp to charity

From chirp to charity

So you’re in the midst of ANIMAL NUTRITION… You’ve taught the nutrient categories. You’ve taught how to read a feed label.

You’ve taught Pearson’s Square…and even made it more engaging by using trail mix to have students use Pearson’s Square to create their own “ration”. But how do you make animal nutrition more EXCITING?

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Realistically setting the bar for CDEs

Realistically setting the bar for CDEs

I feel like I’m working harder than my students in this CDE! We have all thought this at some point in our career. We are trying to convince this quick witted student that they would be perfect for Extemporaneous Public Speaking LDE.

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SAE grants…Free money!

SAE grants…Free money!

Do your students struggle with determining their SAE? Vegetable garden. Layer hens. Fair project. These were the most common SAEs my students initially identified and when I started teaching, I had a hard time directing them to more innovative and higher level SAEs.

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