Need help getting key information about agricultural education and FFA to students and parents before school starts?

Read about how I used a First Year Orientation Night to pass out this key information which led to students and parents understanding why agriculture education has different requirements and customs than other courses students can enroll in.

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Packaging an annual report

Packaging an annual report

So you’ve completed the school year and what a school year it was! Maybe you increased membership, had an American Degree recipient or found success within the National Chapter Award!

None-the-less, you had a great year, and you want to BRAG a little about it.

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Electing the best FFA officers

Electing the best FFA officers
Electing FFA officers is one of the single most important aspects of being a FFA advisor and agriculture teacher. FFA officer elections determine whether you have to do minimal work or whether you need to micromanage every aspect of your POA, or let it FLOP.

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Using FFA week to share our story

Using FFA week to share our story

In my exceptionally rural school district, where the absence of grocery stores, gas stations, stop lights, and restaurants is the norm, it surprised me how many residents were uninformed about the agriculture industry.

As an agriculture teacher, I realized that I had been sharing my story primarily within my agriculture circle, neglecting to promote the remarkable achievements of my students to those unfamiliar with our program.

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Kindness is contagious

Kindness is contagious

Our FFA chapter often incorporated national days into its POA. This was an easy way for our officers to begin to brainstorm new ideas without reinventing the wheel.

One of these national days occurring in February is National Random Acts of Kindness Week during the week of February 17th. 

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