Cardboard city

Cardboard city

If I asked your students if they would willingly sleep in a cardboard box in October in Ohio without electronics, food or other luxuries, would they? I would have guessed no too until my officers started conducting a Cardboard City.

Cardboard City was an event my chapter conducted for six years where students volunteered to stay 12 hours in a cardboard shelter to raise awareness for homelessness in their community. 

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The leadership trail

The leadership trail

Looking for a new, multi use activity to add to your POA?

The Leadership Trail was an activity my FFA officers initiated in 2018 and was a Premier Chapter Models of Innovation activity the following year at national convention.

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Make recommendations simple

Make recommendations simple

As the new school year begins to unfold, so too does the to-do list of every agriculture teacher.

I remember sitting in teacher PDs at the beginning of the school year and colleagues commenting…

“How is your to-do list already that long? Students do not arrive until Thursday.”

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Gamify your content

Gamify your content

I am a HUGE game person! Whether it is a board game or card game, I love trying to figure out the strategy behind the game!

Naturally, when I was in the classroom, this love for games was transparent in my curriculum. Many of the review games or competitive activities I incorporated into lessons were based on some sort of game I loved to play growing up. And guess what? My students also loved these interactive games!

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Draft a culture of inclusion

Draft a culture of inclusion

One of my biggest struggles and frustrations as an early career FFA advisor was the disconnect between underclassmen and the officer team, which resulted in less than ideal participation.

These upperclassmen officers were passionate about FFA, could identify innovative activities and would implement a POA with ease, but struggled to get underclassmen to attend the events, especially if they were outside the school day.

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