From ear to everything

From ear to everything

How many of you conduct some sort of Ag in the Classroom event in your POA?

How many of you struggle to get your students to write a well organized lesson for said event?

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Put FFA in the limelight

Put FFA in the limelight

Who can resonate with this? 

When I arrived as a second year teacher in my previous school, FFA was not a priority of the school. The students in the program did not care about the content. They did not know the vast opportunities that were available in FFA. They rarely were recognized on the state or national stage.

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Setting expectations on day 1

Setting expectations on day 1

Within agricultural education, there is a lot to outline to students and parents, especially if it's the student’s first year in the program. Between the classroom, FFA, CDEs, LDEs, fundraisers, field trips and SAEs, there are a lot of components (and acronyms) that need to be explained before students and parents fully immerse into the culture of agricultural education. 

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Escape the back to school blues

Escape the back to school blues

Although there was excitement for the beginning of the school year - meeting new students, reuniting with colleagues and returning to a routine - it was also met with the monotony of the first couple days of school.

Between rules and expectations, classroom routines, safety drills and ALL THE PAPERWORK, I always felt like a broken record for the first couple days of school. There was no excitement, no fire, no passion in those days.

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Educate to maximize SAEs

Educate to maximize SAEs

SAEs. Supervised Agricultural Experiences. Work-based Learning.

Whatever you call students’ experiential learning opportunities, the concept of students’ SAEs is not a complicated concept but one my students struggled to understand.

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