Packaging an annual report

So you’ve completed the school year…

…and what a school year it was!

Maybe you increased membership, had an American Degree recipient or found success within the National Chapter Award!

None-the-less, you had a great year, and you want to BRAG a little about it.

So why don’t you showcase it in an Annual Report for your administration or stakeholders?

I compiled an annual report each year for my administration and stakeholders containing the following information:

  1. COURSES - I included a list of the courses taught and what was included in each course. I also included the students enrolled in each course, as well as enrollment and recruitment trends. This section also included state testing data.

  2. FFA ACTIVITIES - I included a summary of the FFA activities my students conducted, including measurable data about how these FFA activities impacted students, the school or our community. I also included a list of the students on the officer team.

  3. AWARDS/CDE RESULTS - This section included State and American Degree Recipients, National Chapter Award results, and proficiency award results. This section also included a list of CDE results.

  4. SAES - Using AET, I was able to include total hours invested in SAEs and the economic impact of these SAEs to justify why it was necessary for me to conduct summer SAE visits. 

  5. ADVISOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT - I found value in listing the professional development opportunities I participated in throughout the year so stakeholders were aware of my involvement in improving my abilities as an educator and advisor. 

So why did I spend several hours compiling this 13 page document…

  1. ADVOCATE FOR PROGRAM - This document allowed me to quickly explain to my administration and stakeholders the value of my program, and gave them a glimpse into why we had value in the school. I also sent this document out to our teacher listserv so other teachers and coaches could see our footprint within the school and why we were always on-the-go during and after school.

  2. HISTORY - This document allowed me to keep a written log of the history of our chapter. I could reference a specific year to understand enrollment or testing data, or results from a CDE.

  3. ONBOARDING NEW ADMINISTRATION - During my decade in the classroom, I was blessed with an amazing principal who then was promoted to superintendent. This meant I only had to “train” one principal on what agriculture education and FFA was but this document was beneficial in doing so.

  4. DEGREE/AWARD APPLICATIONS - Although I always told my students to log their FFA involvement in AET, sometimes it slipped their mind…shocker! This document allowed me to back track CDE/LDE involvement when it came time for award applications and degrees without reviewing years of state results on judgingcard. 

These annual reports were always well received by administration, board members, stakeholders or other teachers. I found value in compiling all of our program’s information into one document. As I continued to create these annual reports, I was then able to review data as well to see if the direction our program was heading was positive or if I needed to make accommodations. If you are interested in creating your version of an annual report, review my 2019-2020 Annual Report and reach out to with any questions.